an agreement to enhance economic information in Italy


The economic and financial sector is a very particular area, unlike any other. In fact, it is a field where the accuracy of information is essential and extremely decisive.

Precisely for this reason, the news of the partnership between and the Financial Times cannot fall by the wayside. The Syndication agreement will certainly change the dynamics of economic and financial publishing forever, to the benefit of readers.

The syndication agreement between and the Financial Times in detail

Every finance enthusiast is familiar with the Financial Times, regarded as the main reference for those who wish to read news and insights written by experts in the field. It could not be otherwise, considering the coverage provided by an editorial staff of over 600 specialised journalists of international calibre.

Thanks to, much of this content will be made available to the Italian public, thanks to a Syndication agreement. The well-known Italian economic newspaper will in fact have the opportunity to translate and publish some of the in-depth articles in a specific section dedicated to the Financial Times on the website. In this way, the most authoritative voices in the sector will also ‘speak’ through the web pages of Money, so as to reach users in the Belpaese, strictly in the Italian language.

The partnership with the Financial Times thus becomes a key strategic move to increase the quality and information offer in the Peninsula. This privilege is, however, reserved for those who have a Premium subscription, since articles will be published in that section. statements

Flavia Provenzani expressed great enthusiasm for the double added value that this partnership entails. In fact, the editor of stressed that the syndication agreement with will have a huge impact on the quality of information available to Italian readers. As a further consequence, the partnership with the Financial Times will also produce a ‘boost’ for Money’s leading position in economic-financial publishing.

The statements made by Dimitri Stagnitto, editor-in-chief of, follow the same line of thought. The content translated and published on the pages of the newspaper, directly from the Financial Times website, will broaden readers’ knowledge as never before. Once again, this will be possible thanks to the in-depth, international insights from the most authoritative source in the industry.

The consequences for the Italian editorial industry

The collaboration between and has a significance that goes beyond the mere translation of Financial Times articles. It could in fact lay the foundations for the development of a new journalistic model, so far absent in the economic and financial sector of the Italian Peninsula.

Specifically, we are talking about the possibility of acquiring a more international dimension, through the publication of quality and reliable content, making it easier to understand global economic dynamics. An advantage that is more valuable than ever, especially in a context (the Italian one) where disinformation is the order of the day, and where one feels the absence of real guarantees.


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